The Dancer Alexander Sakharoff 1909
Portrait of Alexander Kh. von Benckendorf (1781-1844) (1s... 1822
Portrait of Alexander Sakharoff, 1909. 1909
Portrait of Alexander Friedrich von Woldeck 1781
August Herzog zu Gotha-Altenburg und Gemahlin Luise von M... 1800
"Portrait of Emperor Alexander II" 1866
Portrait of Alexander Samoilov 1794
The Self- Sacrifice of Titusz Dugovics 1859
Carl Alexander von Ungern-Sternberg, Swedish Envoy in Cop... 1760
"Portrait of Field-Marshal Prince Alexander Baryatinsky" 1869
Portrait of Baron Alexander Stieglitz 1872
Portrait of Alexander von Humboldt 1806
Dying, Alexander the Great bids farewell to his army 1885
Portrait of Adjutant-General Alexander Liders 1872
"Portrait of Count Alexander Benkendorff" (copy) 1859
Portrait of Grand Dukes Alexander and Constantine 1795
Baron Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) 1859
Prince Alexander, Count von Mensdorff-Pouilly (1813-1871) 1844
Alexander Graf von Einsiedel 1855
Herzog Karl Alexander von Lothringen (1712-1780), Brustbi... 1743