Prendre son envol / Take off 2011
Take Off 1943
Moses, in Sight of the Promised Land, Takes His Sandals O... 1854
Take a look 2014
Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura), also... 1833
Snow Storm: Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth
Felucca off Gibraltar 1866
It will come off with soap
I'll take care of you 2017
Judith Cutting Off the Head of Holofernes 1640
Off the Greenland Coast under the Midnight Sun 1873
Gianna off the Rez
I take you
Take your Son, Sir! 1851
Off the top of my head again 2013
Day Off
Wheatfields off Woldgate 2006
Sailing off the Coast 1869
Liberty Inviting Artists to Take Part in the 22nd Exhibit... 1906