The Stour at Stratford St Mary, Colchester 1900
The Penitent St Mary Magdalene 1660
Vision of St Bernard with Sts Benedict and John the Evang... 1504
St Mary Magdalen 1580
St. Mary Magdalene, St. Benedict, St. Bernard of Clairvea... 1390
St. Stephen and St. Mary Magdalene 1400
Madonna of St. Jerome 1528
St Mary Magdalene in Ecstacy 1620
Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary, St. John the Evangelist... 1365
Crucifixion with Mary, St John and the Magdalene 1625
Madonna and Child with St. Stephen, St. Jerome and St. Ma... 1510
St. Mary Magdalene hunting before her conversion
Spire of the Tower of St Mary’s Church in Krakow
St. Mary Magdalene giving up the riches of this world 1700
Triptych of the Pietà, St John and St Mary Magdalene 1567
Holy Family with St. John and Mary Magdalene 1508
St Mary Magdalene 1490
St. Mary Magdalene in Penitance 1615
St. Hedwig of Silesia, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, and St....
Christ with St Martha and the Virgin Mary 1628