The Rest on the Flight into Egypt with Angels, one offeri... 1675
Episodes from the Passion of Christ: Christ carrying the... 1554
Mysteries of Christ's Passion 1569
Advent and Triumph of Christ
Instruments of the Passion of Christ
Triptych: Scenes from the Passion of Christ
Scenes from the Passion of Christ 1470
The Dead Christ with Symbols of the Passion 1581
Christ with Instruments of the Passion 1485
The Infant Christ Bearing the Instruments of the Passion
Monogram of Christ combined with Instruments of the Passi... 1560
Christ Taking Leave of his Mother and Foretelling his Pas... 1624
Child Christ before the instruments of the Passion 1642
Scenes of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ 1541
Triptych: The Passion of Christ 1520
The Passion of Christ 1485
Altarpiece of the Passion of Christ
The Flagellation of Christ 1450
Capture of Jesus Christ 1450
Passion Cycle - Christ washing the feet of the apostles 1537