Wheatstacks, Snow Effect, Morning (Meules, Effet de Neige... 1891
The Yerres, Effect of Rain 1875
The Butterfly Effect 2011
Rue Saint-Honoré in the Afternoon - Effect of Rain 1897
Butterfly effect
Vue de toits (effet de neige) [Rooftops in the Snow (snow... 1878
The Canal Morning Effect 1894
Stacks of Wheat (Sunset, Snow Effect) 1891
Rouen Cathedral Façade and Tour d'Albane (Morning Effect) 1894
Peasant Woman Resting at the Foot of a Tree, Effect of Su...
Snow Effect in Vétheuil 1879
Antibes, Afternoon Effect 1888
Haystacks (Effect of Snow and Sun) 1891
Rue de l'Épicerie, Rouen (Effect of Sunlight) 1898
Marine by Calm, Sunset Effect 1748
Rue Saint-Lazare, Effect of Sunlight
Snow Effect at Argenteuil 1875
Stack of Wheat (Snow Effect, Overcast Day) 1891
The Houses of Parliament (Effect of Fog) 1904
Caos Theory - the butterfly effect - 2012