In The Coral Bay 2012
Dusk in the Rushes (Alexandria Bay) 1880
Smugglers' Boat in the Bay of Biscay 1845
Dutch East India Company and Chinese Attack on Chinese Pi... 1650
The Ship of the Line "Dronning Marie" (Queen Marie) and t... 1836
Black Sea Fleet in the Bay of Theodosia, just before the... 1890
The Loss of the East Indiaman 'Kent' in the Bay of Biscay...
Arrival of Captain Cook; An incident in the Bay of Island... 1890
An Arctic Summer: Boring though the Pack in Melville Bay 1871
Landscape with a river and a bay in the background
Vesuvius in Eruption, with a View over the Islands in the... 1776
Morning in the Hudson, Haverstraw Bay 1866
Wreck of the Ancon in Loring Bay, Alaska 1889
Battle of the Combined Venetian and Dutch Fleets against... 1656
Surprise Attack on three Portuguese Galleons in the Bay o... 1653
A View of Matavai Bay in the Island of Otaheite [Tahiti] 1776
Destruction of the Turkish Fleet in the Bay of Chesme 1771
The Danish ship Dannebroge caught on fire in the battle o... 1921
'A View taken in the bay of Oaite Peha [Vaitepiha] Otahei... 1776
Madras, or Fort St. George, in the Bay of Bengal -- A Squ... 1833