Untitled (Gedewon Talishman) 1996
Popularité - Popularity 1990
Untitled (Gedewon Talishman) 1990
La Richesse - Wealth 1990
Ethiopian New Year
The Mirror of the Queen of Shebah 2010
Stadia II 2004
Of Other Planes of There (S.R.) 2019
Haka (and Riot) 2019
Conjured Parts (eye), Ferguson 2016
Hineni (E.3:4) 2018
Persian Envoys before the King of Ethiopia 1785
Le Roi Céphée et la Reine Cassiopée remerciant Persée d'a... 1679
The Baptism of the Chamberlain of Queen Candace of Ethiop... 1627
Baptism of a courtier of the queen of Ethiopia
Baptism of the Chamberlain of Queen Candace of Ethiopia 1625
Saint Philip Baptising the Ethiopian Eunuch 1655
Moses and his Ethiopian wife Zipporah 1650
The Ethiopian king 1700