The Census at Bethlehem 1566
The Nativity 1507
Star of Bethlehem 1885
The Nativity 1505
Star of Bethlehem 1887
Star of Bethlehem
The Difficult Journey. Original title: Transition to Beth... 1890
Census in Bethlehem
Master Jan Hus Preaching at the Bethlehem Chapel 1916
Cave of the Nativity in Bethlehem 1833
Bethlehem 1882
Recruiting Station, (Bethlehem) 1862
Virgin of Bethlehem 1740
Saint Joseph Seeks a Lodging in Bethlehem
Klooster Bethlehem 1675
The Arrival in Bethlehem 1540
Massacre of the Innocents in Bethlehem 1520
The Census at Bethlehem 1605
Our Lady of Bethlehem