Edgar Allan Poe 2009
Excursion to the attic 1637
From the attic in Ferrara 1870
Cicero with his friend Atticus and brother Quintus, at hi... 1771
The Daughters of Cecrops, King of Attica, Find Erichthoni... 1650
Flowers in the Attic 2012
Roman Landscape with the Coliseum and the Attic of the Ar... 1868
"La Sirena" by Lydia Martin© oil on Belgian linen (24"x18...
Horses of Attica
Ottilie rettet ihren Vater Attich durch ihr Gebet aus dem...
From 'Crinkle, Crackle, Crack, It's Spring!' picture book 2019
The dark Attic 1905
Grave pinakes by Exekias
La Naissance de la Vierge 1644
Herzog Attich erschlägt seinen Sohn Hugo
An officer smoking a pipe and a young girl with a dog in...
Window on the Attic 1883
Athene followed by Nike Disputing with Poseidon for Posse... 1849
View of Athens with the Acropolis and the Odeion of Herod... 1800