"El Soldado: Soldier of Words" by Lydia Martin© oil on Be...
Marion Feasting the British Officer on Sweet Potatoes 1848
Fort Sumter Gun Gallery, Dec. 8, 1863 1864
Glorious Fighting 1885
Prisoners from the Front 1866
Little Soldier 1864
Rushing Red Lodges Passed through the Line 1900
Battle of Little Bighorn 1890
Summer Cheer
The American Star (George Washington) 1803
The Voyage of Life: Youth 1842
Our Banner in the Sky 1861
A Hillside, Giverny 1887
American Gothic 1930
See-non-ty-a, an Iowa Medicine Man 1845
The Female Eagle - Shawano 1830
Little American Beauty II 2013
Buffalo Lancing in the Snow Drifts - Sioux 1869
St. Sebastian Thrown into the Cloaca Maxima 1612
An American Vermeer 1970