Bust of a Bearded Old Man 1633
Unconscious Patient (Allegory of Smell) 1624
Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham 1673
A Scholar Sharpening his Quill 1633
A Boy with a Mousetrap by Candlelight 1650
Portrait of Suzanna Doublet-Huygens 1669
The Banquet of Anthony and Cleopatra 1674
Boy in a Cape and Turban
A well-dressed Lady reading
An Artist in his Studio (Self-portrait?) 1629
Woman with A Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant 1680
Elegant Lady Writing at Her Desk 1663
Gentleman offering a glass of wine to a lady 1656
Young Woman Seated in an Interior, Reading a Letter 1659
Herring Seller and Boy 1664
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus 1677
A Young Woman Pouring Beer and a Young Man Smoking
A Man Tuning a Violin 1680
A Woman Reading and a Man Seated at a Table 1676
Portrait of a Twenty-Five-Year Old Woman 1669