(Charles Dickens)
To make your "Happy New Year!" wishes special this year, we prepared a collection of a few inspirational artworks to trigger your imagination, ready to share, and send as e-cards to your friends.
Pomegranates, full of countless juicy grains, symbolise wealth and furtility and are often inherent in celebrating the New Year. Granadas al sol by Gregorio Vallejo Gomariz from Spain.
Here's to a Happy New Start! Voltare pagina by Franco Fortunato from Italy.
С Новым годом! / Happy new year! by Alexey Kurbatov from Russia.
The New Year is here, warm and playful as the first light of dawn! The Hour Before Dawn by John Brockington.
Time won't stay transfixed for long! Let this be the year to sieze opportutiny! Time Transfixed by René Magritte.
What could be the worth of a New Year if it was not a New Start? New page by Marta Shmatava from Belarus.
And remember as Quino said "It's not the new year that has to be better, it's you". New man by Tomasz Trafiał from Poland