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by Friedrich August von Kaulbach
Weibliches Bildnis mit grauen Muff, Frau Prof. Anschütz 1914
two reliefs: the heads of Haydn and Mozart 1881
the glorification of the music 1875
head of a little girl 1875
Portrait of a Lady ( nude ) 1875
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna 1857
portrait of daughter Hedda with large hat 1915
Portrait of lady in dark dress 1800
Emperor Franz I of Austria in the Austrian imperial dress 1832
Portrait of Lady in a Dark Dress 1800
Portrait of a lady, three-quarter-length, in a brown dres... 1699
Porträt einer jungen Dame (mit großem Hut) 1892
Weiblicher Akt 1892
Porträt Eleonore Duse 1892