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by Michael Damaskinos
Virgin Hodegetria (Damaskinos) 1571
The Stoning of Saint Stephen (Damaskinos) 1577
The Annunciation (Damaskinos) 1600
Saint Anthony (Damaskinos) 1571
Allegory of the Holy Communion (Karantinos) 1709
The Last Judgement (Klontzas) 1600
Jesus Hominum Salvator 1464
The Last Judgment Triptych (Klontzas) 1600
The Dormition and Assumption of the Virgin (Moskos) 1679
The Virgin Oseeas 1664
The Resurrection (Moskos) 1679
Virgin of the Burning Bush (Damaskinos) 1600
The Last Judgment (Kavertzas) 1641