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by Tommaso del Mazza
La Vierge et l'Enfant entourés de huit anges 1350
Saint Christophe et l'Enfant Jésus 1350
Saint Jean Évangéliste, saint Louis de Toulouse et la don... 1350
Saint Jean Baptiste, saint Antoine de Padoue et le donate... 1350
The Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels 1620
The Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas of Tolentino an...
The Virgin and Child Enthroned, with Saints John the Bapt... 1513
The Virgin and Child with Saints Elizabeth and John the B...
The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Mary Magdalen...
The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donors 1490
The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Ange...
Virgin and Child with saints 1400
The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist