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by Settei
Prostitute Standing by Willow Tree 1775
Swimming Carp [left of a pair of Carps] 1777
Shōjō Under a Sake Cup
Carp Leaping Out of Water [right of a pair of Carps] 1777
The Third Princess and a Cat, from the "New Herbs I" (Wak... 1749
Princess Ogimi from the "Bridge Maiden" (Hashihime) chap... 1716
"Evening Faces" (Yūgao) chapter from The Tale of Genji (G... 1749
"Heartvine" ("Aoi") chapter from The Tale of Genji (Genji... 1536
Lady with Her Pets (Molly Wales Fobes) 1790
"Akashi", "Channel Buoys" ("Miotsukushi"), "The Wormwood... 1482
The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari) 1772
Twelve Scenes from The Tale of Genji 1650
Parody of Murasaki, from "Lavender" (Wakamurasaki), chapt... 1720
Albums of scenes from The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari... 1650