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by Alfred Augustus Glendening
A Walk by the River 1882
Alfred Parsons - Poplars in the Thames Valley - ABDAG0040...
The Blacksmith's Forge 1880
Alfred Stevens - Scheveningen Sands - ABDAG003703 1884
The Convalescent - Sir John Everett Millais - ABDAG004393 1875
The Tow Path 1887
A Scottish Interior - The Box Bed - Joseph Farquharson -...
The Romans building a Fort at Mancenion, A.D. 80
Spring in the Birch Wood - George Henry - ABDAG002734
The Parasol by Joseph Farquharson - Joseph Farquharson -...
The Sleepers by Jozef Israels - Jozef Israels - ABDAG0023...