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by Chinese School
The ship Cilurnum
The Musician 1749
A clipper in Chinese waters 1850
A British merchant steamship in the China Seas, ca.1880 1880
Trial of Four British Seamen at Canton, 1 October 1807: S... 1807
The Wedding 1850
The coolie ship 'Mersey' in a gale 1850
The 'Fontenaye' in the China Seas 1850
Destruction of the American Fleet at Penobscot Bay, 14 Au... 1779
The American paddle steamer 'Willamette' at Canton [Guang... 1856
Horse artillery at the battle of Copenhagen, 2 April 1801 1850
The packet 'Princess Amelia' 1850
The ship City of Tanjore 1850