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by Anton Faistauer
Ajaccio 1926
Dame in weißer Bluse (Erste Gattin des Künstlers) 1913
Richard Mayr im Kostüm des Ochs auf Lerchenau 1927
Das rote Haus 1912
Still-life with a white vase 2005
Still Life with Blue Bowl and Fruits 1911
Still Life with Bottles and Fruit 1900
Nature morte, pot à lait et fruits sur une table (Still l... 1890
Still life with luxury vessels and fruits on a dark table...
Still-Life with Fruits
Still life with roemer, roast pheasant, salt-cellar, ston... 1626
Composition with Hyacinth, Fruits and Blue Bowl 1911
Still life with rummer, wine glass, crab and bread on a p... 1644
Still life with tazza, silver pot, roemer, glass of beer,... 1650