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by Jean-Baptiste Martin
La chasse de la princesse de Conti à Champs
Second Siege of Dôle in Franche-Comté, June 1674 1650
Siege of Namur, 30th June 1692 1693
Portrait de Marie Leczinska devant le château de Fontaine... 1725
Adoration of the Shepherds 1650
Portrait de Hendryck Henck et de sa femme Catharina Browe... 1650
The Immaculate Conception with Saint Andrew and Saint Pau... 1650
Noah's Ark; (Entry of the Animals into Noah’s Ark) 1650
Saint Bonaventure at the Council of Lyon
L'Accordée de Village 1761
Last Supper 1650
L'Assomption de la Vierge 1772
Paradise on earth 1650