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by Martín de Soria
Saint Christopher Taking Leave of the King Who Feared Sat... 1485
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Four Angels 1485
Altarpiece of Saint Peter
Altarpiece of Saints Michael and Anthony Abbot
The Head of Saint John the Baptist Brought before Herod 1460
Saint John the Baptist Pointing to Christ 1655
Saint Martin and the Beggar 1600
Friar Pedro Wrests the Gun from El Maragato 1806
Saint Diego of Alcalá before the cross 1645
Friar Pedro Clubs El Maragato with the Butt of the Gun 1806
Salome Asking Herod for the Head of Saint John the Baptis... 1460
The Crucifixion 1627
Processional Cross with Saint Mary Magdalene and a Blesse... 1395