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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1710
Bharata comes to meet Rama at Chitrakuta 1800
Resurrection. 1550
Rama killsTaraka 1800
Roundel with Return of the Prodigal Son
Roundel with Joseph Presenting his father, Jacob, to the... 1522
Roundel with Lazarus at the House of Dives 1510
Roundel with Christ and the Adulterous Woman 1525
Altarpiece (retablo) with Scenes from the Passion 1450
Roundel with Lazarus at the House of Dives
Roundel with Saint Martin and the Beggar 1500
Roundel with the Blinding of Tobit (from a Series) 1510
Roundel with two Kings from an Adoration Group 1505
Roundel with Adoration of the Magi 1485