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Bharata comes to meet Rama at Chitrakuta 1800
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1710
Resurrection. 1550
Rama killsTaraka 1800
Possibly Penelope Jenkinson, Mrs William III Blathwayt (d... 1747
Possibly Penelope Jenkinson, Mrs William III Blathwayt (d... 1742
Grace Searle, later Mrs William Benthall (1744-1802), as... 1767
Sophia Anne Delaval, later Mrs John Jadis (1755 - 1793),...
Mary Weld, Mrs William Pitchford, later Mrs Edward Gatacr... 1750
A Young Girl holding a Sheaf of Corn with Cornflowers (po... 1755
An Unknown Young Royal Naval Lieutenant, possibly William... 1785
King William III (1650-1702), as Prince of Orange and Sta... 1680
King William III (1650–1702) as a Young Man 1675
Elizabeth Chute, later Mrs Thomas Lobb as a Young Girl 1700