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by Christen Købke
The Northern Drawbridge to the Citadel in Copenhagen 1837
Juliane Dorothea Købke, née Ratz, the Artist's Mother-in-... 1845
Portrait of Peter Petersen, the Artist's Uncle 1845
Portrait of Cecilia Margaret Købke, the Artist's Mother 1829
Portrait of the Artist´s Mother, Cecilia Margrethe Købke,... 1836
Portrait of Susanne Cecilie Købke, née Købke, the Artist´... 1836
Portrait of the Artist´s Sister-in-Law, Susanne Købke, né... 1832
Portrait of Inger Margrethe Høyen, née Schrøder, the Moth...
Portrait of the Artist´s Cousin, Michael Christian Peters... 1832
Portrait of the Artist´s Father, Master Baker Peter Beren... 1835
Portrait of Emilie Krohn, née Købke, the Artist´s Sister-... 1838
Portrait of the Artist´s Sister-in-Law Johanne Elisabeth... 1842
Portrait of the Artist´s Cousin and Brother-in-Law, the G...
Portrait of Henriette Petersen, née Philipsen, Mrs Michae... 1832