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by Ilya Repin
«Портрет певицы Марии Николаевны Климентовой» 1883
Портрет Н.И. Репиной 1895
Portrait of Poliksena Stepanovna Stasova 1879
Andrey Alexandrovich Bobrinskiy (1844 – 1930) 1903
Portrait of the artist Rafael S. Levitsky 1878
Akseli Gallen-Kallela 1920
Portrait of the Artist's Wife Ellen Edelfelt 1896
The Great Men of Finland 1922
Portrait of the Artist with his Wife and Daughter 1748
Portrait of Princess Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva while wor... 1897
Untitled 1898
Portrait of the Artist's Wife 1893
Self-Portrait 1915
Portrait of the authoress Elsa Lindberg 1898