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by Henri-Pierre Danloux
Brustbild eines Mädchens in weißem Kostüm mit gepuderten... 1786
Portrait de Louis-Henry-Joseph de Bourbon-Condé 1795
Portrait of a girl 1786
Portrait d'un officier des carabiniers 1785
Portrait of a Lady in a Black Dress with Marie Stuart Coi...
Portrait of a Lady with Red and White Bonnet 1833
Lady with the Rose (Charlotte Louise Burckhardt) 1882
Portrait of a lady in a white dress 1770
Portrait of a Woman in a White Dress 1860
Portrait of a girl 1875
Portrait of a Lady in White 1763
Portrait of an Elderly Lady in a Large Ruched Lace Cap 1779
Portrait of a lady in a red dress 1760
Miss Dorothy Quincy Roosevelt (later Mrs. Langdon Geer) 1902