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by Władysław Bakałowicz
Krakowiak dance in an inn. 1851
Portrait of Józefina Amszyńska née Guzowska. 1882
Arcades of the Blois Castle. 1883
Portrait of Bronisław Amszyński 1882
Portrait of Józefina Deboli née Drużbacka 1830
In the arbour 1882
Peacock - Portrait of Zofia Borucińska née Jakimowicz 1908
Portrait of Zofia Odescalchi née Branicka 1850
Portrait of Hortensja Sobańska née Jełowicka. 1836
Portrait of Janina Wilczyńska née Ołtarzewska 1912
Portrait of Katarzyna Kossakowska née Potocka (1720–1801) 1782
Portrait of Maria Anna Filipina Malińska née Pechwell. 1801