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by Toussaint Dubreuil
Angelica and Medoro
Hyanthe and Climene Offer a Sacrifice to Venus
Hyanthe and Clymene at their Toilet
Léda et ses nymphes 1550
The Apotheosis of Henri IV and the Proclamation of the Re... 1623
Henry IV, King of France in Armour 1610
The Presentation of Marie de' Medici's Portrait to Henry... 1623
The Meeting of Marie de' Medici and Henry IV at Lyons 1623
Hercules Slaying the Hydra of Lerna 1617
Henry IV, King of France, Dressed in Black 1610
Napoleon on His Imperial Throne (Napoléon Ier sur le trôn... 1806
A Young Tiger Playing With Its Mother 1830
The Fifer 1866