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Resurrection. 1550
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1710
Bharata comes to meet Rama at Chitrakuta 1800
Rama killsTaraka 1800
Portrait of Alexander F. Langeron (1763-1831) 1822
Portrait of Karl O. (Charles de) Lambert (1772-1843) 1822
Portrait of Alexander A. Pisarev (1780-1848) 1822
Portrait of Alexander I. Chernyshov (1785/86-1857) 1822
Portrait of Alexander I. Tsvilenev (1769-1824) 1822
Portrait of Emmanuil (Emmanuel) de Saint-Priest (1776-181... 1822
Portrait of Alexander P. Urusov (1768-1835) 1822
Portrait of Countess de Koller (nee Maria Riznich) 1873
"Portrait of Admiral A. I. Rusin" 1900
Portrait of Sergey F. Zheltukhin (1776-1833) 1822