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Resurrection. 1550
Rama killsTaraka 1800
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1710
Bharata comes to meet Rama at Chitrakuta 1800
Maharana Sangram Singh II Hunts Hares at Naramangra 1725
Maharana Raj Singh II in Procession with Members of His C... 1755
King Dasaratha and His Retinue Proceed to Rama's Wedding:... 1700
Maharana Amar Singh II or Sangram Singh Hunting Wild Boar 1849
Preparatory Study for a Portrait of Man Singh and His Har... 1812
Maharana Amar Singh II Is Shown Two Silver Elephants 1705
Maharana Amar Singh II with Ladies of the Zenana outside... 1707
Maharao Shatru Sal II (1866–89) Hunting a Tiger 1877
Illustrated Biography of Prince Shōtoku (Shōtoku Taishi e... 1316
Aristanemi's Bridal Pavilion (top) and Witnessing Animals... 1449