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by Juan de las Roelas
Mary of the Immaculate Conception, venerated by the donor... 1612
Child Jesus with the Cross 1650
Vocación de San Pedro y San Andrés 1610
Christ, the Example for Martyrs 1615
Untitled 1610
The Annunciation 1650
Saint Andrew, patron of the fishermen 1634
The Immaculate Conception
Triptyque de la Vierge à l'Enfant entre les deux saints J... 1500
Virgen de la leche 1700
Madonna and Child with the Donor, Pietro de' Lardi, Prese... 1420
Virgen del Rosario con San Acisclo y Santa Victoria 1700
Christ on the Mount of Olives 1650
The Assumption of the Virgin 1657