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Rama killsTaraka 1800
Bharata comes to meet Rama at Chitrakuta 1800
Resurrection. 1550
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1710
Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Burlington and 2nd Earl of Cor...
Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington and 4th Earl of Cor... 1717
Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of Orrery 1707
John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich 1740
John George Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham
Unknown men, formerly known as John Montagu, 2nd Duke of... 1712
Portrait of Joseph Leeson, 1st Earl of Milltown with his... 1772
Charles Boyle, 3rd Earl of Cork and 2nd Earl of Burlingto... 1695
Supposed to be Charles Boyle, 3rd Earl of Cork and 2nd Ea... 1687
Daniel Finch, 2nd Earl of Nottingham and 7th Earl of Winc... 1726