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by nieznany malarz polski
Portrait of king Stanisław August in armour 1764
Portrait of Wincentz Potocki (d. 1825), crown chamberlain 1850
Portrait of Izabela Ogińska née Radziwiłł (1711–1761) 1742
Portrait of Joachim Karol Potocki (before 1728–1791) 1782
View of the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas in Vilnius 1864
Interior of St. John's Cathedral in Warsaw 1801
Portrait of Łubieński (?) 1850
Portrait of Barbara Radziwiłł (1520–1551) 1850
Portrait of a man in a cloak 1850
Portrait of Julia Wieman 1850
Portrait of Adam Hypatius Pociej (d. 1613), Metropolitan... 1850
Interior of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice 1899
Interior of the Reformed Franciscan Church in Warsaw 1866