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by Vilhelm Hammershøi
Interior with the Artist's Easel 1910
The Buildings of the Asiatic Company, seen from St. Annæ... 1902
The Artist's Wife, Ida Hammershøi, née Ilsted 1894
The Artist's Wife at a Sewing Table 1897
Interior with Woman at Piano, Strandgade 30 1901
Interior of Courtyard, Strandgade 30 1899
Moonlight, Strandgade 30 1900
Near Fortunen, Jægersborg Deer Park, North of Copenhagen 1901
Portrait of Svend Hammershøi, the Artist´s Brother 1901
Five Portraits. Study for painting in Thielska Galleriet,... 1901
J.F. Willumsen 1901
Stue i Strandgade med kunstnerens hustru 1902
Interior in Strandgade, Sunlight on the Floor 1901
Interior with Ida Playing the Piano 1910