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by Thorald Læssøe
Parti af Marmorpladsen med ruinerne af den ufuldførte Fre... 1838
Rosenborg Slot 1842
View from the Outskirts of Rome 1844
The Courtyard of the Boller Manor, Jutland, Denmark 1846
View of the Terme di Caracalla in Rome 1845
North Zealand Landscape at Lake Arre where King Valdemar... 1841
The daughters of Sir Matthew Decker, Bart. 1718
King Asa of Juda Destroying the Idols 1625
The Loves of the gods: Mars and Venus
View of Ujazdów from the Royal Baths 1776
Portrait of Claude-Armand Gérôme, brother of the artist 1848
A Tight Fix—Bear Hunting, Early Winter [The Life of a Hun... 1856
Copy after 'The Finding of Moses' by Veronese
Joseph and Potiphar's wife
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