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by Christen Købke
The Northern Drawbridge to the Citadel in Copenhagen 1837
Juliane Dorothea Købke, née Ratz, the Artist's Mother-in-... 1845
Portrait of Cecilia Margaret Købke, the Artist's Mother 1829
Portrait of Peter Petersen, the Artist's Uncle 1845
View from the Loft of the Grain Store at the Bakery in th... 1831
Portrait of Henriette Petersen, née Philipsen, Mrs Michae... 1832
Portrait of the Artist´s Sister-in-Law, Susanne Købke, né... 1832
Portrait of the Artist´s Cousin, Michael Christian Peters... 1832
The Village Carpenter Bringing a Coffin for a Dead Child 1857
The Transept of Århus Cathedral 1830
Frederiksborg Castle seen from the Northwest. Study 1835
View of the Bay near the Copenhagen Limekiln Looking Nort... 1837
Frederiksborg Castle Seen from the Northwest 1836
View of the Citadel Ramparts Looking Towards Langelinie a...