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by André Breton
Poème Objet - Poem Object 1935
Cadavre Exquis - Exquisite Corpse 1928
Untitled, 1957 — André Breton, Collection of André Breton 1957
Cadavre Exquis - Exquisite Corpse (Landscape) 1933
Gauze Hat with Light Trim... - Chapeau de Gaze, gamis de... 1934
Study of Figures (collaboration with Wifredo Lam and Jac... 1940
Pour Elisa 1947
Untitled 1957
The Lamp Smokes but the Nile Reeks - La lampe fume mais l... 1937
Poem-Object 1941
Untitled 1896
Cadavre Exquis - Exquisite Corpse 1930