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by Bartholomeus Spranger
Amor and Psyche 1600
Saint Barbara 1578
Ulysses and Circe 1586
Ulysses and Circe 1580
Het huwelijk van Cupido en Psyche 1575
Susanna and the Elders 1650
Hercules en Scipio geleid door Minerva op het pad der deu... 1591
Putti en engel met cartouche 1587
Moses and the Burning Bush 1609
New Moon above the Riesengebirge Mountains 1835
Road behind the Parsonage Garden in Nuenen 1884
Study of Four Saints (Peter, Paul, John the Evangelist, a... 1459
David Receiving the News of Uriah’s Death 1648
One of the three Kings adoring Mary and the Child 1635