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by Antoine-Jean Gros
Hélène et Pâris
Portrait of Baron Ségoing de Laborde 1814
General Jean-Baptiste Kléber and Egyptian Family (Sketche... 1835
Portrait d'un officier 1799
Aeneas Offering Presents to King Latinus and Asking Him f... 1778
Diana and Her Nymphs Departing for the Hunt 1615
Napoleon on the Battlefield of Eylau. 1807
The Wyndham Sisters: Lady Elcho, Mrs. Adeane, and Mrs. Te... 1899
Preparing for the Matinee 1907
The Russian Ship of the Line "Asow" and a Frigate at Anch... 1828
The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons 1835
The Holy Family with Mary Magdalen 1595
The Natchez 1835
The Holy Family with Saints Francis and Anne and the Infa... 1638