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Rama killsTaraka 1800
Resurrection. 1550
Bharata comes to meet Rama at Chitrakuta 1800
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1710
Frances Margaret Lawrance, Lady Vernon (d 1940) 1883
Lady Anna Maria Brudenell, Countess of Shrewsbury (1642-1... 1670
Anne Weston, Lady Vernon (d.1702) 1660
Louisa Barbara Catherine Philips, Countess of Lichfield (... 1832
Lady Frances Greville, Lady Harpur (1744-1825) 1849
Lady Georgina Sophia Baillie-Hamilton, Lady Vernon (1839-... 1865
Frances Petre, Lady Apsley (1645-1698) 1675
An Unknown Lady possibly Jane Carter, Mrs Richard Vernon 1665
Margaretta Barton, Lady Reeve De la Pole (d.1842) 1825
Lady Frances Devereux, Countess later Marchioness of Hert... 1640