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by Ogata Kenzan
“Sixth Month” from Fujiwara no Teika’s “Birds and Flowers... 1743
Plum Trees [right of a pair of Plum Trees and Hollyhocks]
Evening Glories 1750
Hollyhocks [left of a pair of Plum Trees and Hollyhocks]
Fujiwara no Teika’s “Poems on Flowers and Birds of the Tw... 1749
Birds and Flowers of Summer and Autumn 1550
Flowers and Birds 1750
Branch of Tree with Flowers and Bird of Waxwing Family 1777
Landscapes, Flowers and Birds 1639
Quail and Autumn Flowers 1683
Birds and Flowers 1639
Two Poems from the Collection of Ancient and Modern Poems... 1735
Flowers of Spring and Autumn 1750