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by anonymous painter
Vrouwenportret: 'Aetatis Suae 47Ao1637'. 1637
Portrait of a man, possibly Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne (... 1650
Christ Before Pilate
Portret van Jacob Rip, kapitein van de bark 'Macasser' va... 1864
Sibyl of Samos 1650
Portrait of I.I. Volkov with the the Order of St. Catheri... 1835
Portrait of Johan, Count of Nassau-Siegen (1583-1638) 1650
Head of a Warrior 1650
Communion of St Petronilla
The Sermon of St John the Baptist 1650
St. Francis in Meditation 1650
Portrait of Novosiltsev 1815
Portrait of an Adolescent Girl 1835
Portrait of Jacob Bruce 1725