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by Ilya Repin
«Портрет певицы Марии Николаевны Климентовой» 1883
Andrey Alexandrovich Bobrinskiy (1844 – 1930) 1903
Portrait of Poliksena Stepanovna Stasova 1879
Портрет Н.И. Репиной 1895
The Ninth Wave 1850
The Revelation, Brynhild Discovering Sieglind and Sigmund 1894
The Organ Rehearsal 1885
Bathsheba at her bath
Workers on their Way Home 1914
Fiskere trækker våd på Skagen Nordstrand 1870
The Brothel 1888
Les Baigneurs 1890
Young man in the Costume of a Majo 1863
Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks 1880