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by Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom
Schermutseling tussen Amsterdamse en Engelse oorlogsschep... 1614
Nederlands pinasschip onder zeil nabij een rotsachtige ku... 1628
Hollandse en Engelse schepen in gevecht met een Spaans sc... 1600
Dutch ships ramming Spanish galleys off the English coast... 1617
A Dutch ship at anchor drying sails and a Kaag under sail 1665
The Return to Amsterdam of the Second Expedition to the E... 1599
Dutch Ship of the Line towing a Longboat 1690
Shipping on the IJ, with Amsterdam mill De Bok on the bul... 1680
The Arrival of the Kattendijk at Texel, 22 July 1702 1702
The 'Eendracht' and Other Ships of the Dutch Fleet 1673
Ship of the Line with Two Sailboats 1690
The battle at Sluis, with Dutch and Spanish galleys, May... 1603
The Russian Ship of the Line "Asow" and a Frigate at Anch... 1828