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by Emil Jakob Schindler
Water - mill at a brook 1867
Poplar - allee 1892
Rattenberg (Tyrole) on the Inn 1867
scenery with farmer's hut, cattle and women 1886
Mühlwehr in Plankenberg 1890
Das Ionische Meer bei Korfu 1888
An der dalmatinischen Küste bei Ragusa 1888
Herbstlandschaft am Fluss 1887
Partie bei Haslau an der Donau 1879
Waldfräuleins Geburt 1868
Sawmill in the morning mist 1886
Pax (The cemetery of Gravosa near Ragusa) 1891
Duck hunting in the Prater. 1881
Vegetable garden in Plankenberg in September 1885