Alexander Masterton and His Wife and Children 1834
Christ and the woman of Samaria
The revelation of Olivia's betrothal, from "Twelfth Night...
Prospero and Ariel (from Shakespeare's The Tempest")" 1797
Toneelspeelster Sarah Siddons in de rol van Euphrasia 1761
John Palmer Whalley
Apollo and Hyacinthus (after Domenichino)
Edwy and Elgiva: A Scene from Saxon History 1793
L'Apothéose de Louis XVI
Mary Curzon, Countess of Dorset (1585 -1645) (after Willi... 1776
The Marriage of George, Prince of Wales, and Princess Car... 1796
John Wesley 1788
Henry Siddons, 1774 - 1815. Actor; eldest son of Sarah Si...
Scene From Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale 1785
King Edgar's First Interview with Queen Elfrida (Aelfryth... 1774
Classical Ruins
The Pilgrim 1785
Ruth and Boaz 1785
Diana and Arethusa (after Hubert Gravelot)