Weaam Ahmed El-masry

Artist (Egypt)



Born in 1976, Weaam el Masry is an Egyptian Cairo-based multi-award winning visual artist. She holds a PH.D. in media art from the Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University. She works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts & Design, MSA University. She is also a painter who at times moves to photography, animation and installation. Her work has been exhibited at galleries, ...


Weaam Ahmed El-masry uploaded the artwork Voice in the Darkness by Weaam Ahmed El-masry

Weaam Ahmed El-masry uploaded the artwork Red, Bleu and Violet lights by Weaam Ahmed El-masry

Weaam Ahmed El-masry uploaded the artwork With me where Two girls by Weaam Ahmed El-masry

Weaam Ahmed El-masry uploaded the artwork Spring-­well of Sorrow by Weaam Ahmed El-masry

Weaam Ahmed El-masry uploaded the artwork A Whole Hareem by Weaam Ahmed El-masry