An Indian Lady, perhaps 'Jemdanee', Bibi of William Hicke... 1787
Purniya, Chief Minister of Mysore
Gerard de Visme (1726–1798) 1783
Eliza Durbin, Lady Elton (1756-1822) as a Child 1760
Portrait of the Reverend Samuel Madden (1686-1765), Phila...
Thomas Leland (1722-1785)
Sir Armine Wodehouse, 5th Baronet 1773
Lieutenant-Colonel (later Major-General) William Kirkpatr... 1799
Thomas Graham
Prince Azim-ud-Daula, Nawab of the Carnatic (1775 - 1819) 1807
Charlotte Newcomen, Lady Gleadowe-Newcomen, 1st Viscounte... 1770
Portrait of Michael Cormak (1771-1799) 1799
Double Portrait of Arthur Wolfe and his Wife Anne 1769
Prince Azim-ud-Daula, Nawab of the Carnatic (1775 - 1819)...
Untitled 1783
Edmund Burke (1729-1797) in Conversation with Charles Jam... 1783
Portrait of two Children 1769
An Actor between the Muses of Tragedy and Comedy 1781
Mrs Elizabeth Nind (d.after 1780) 1777