Mountainous Landscape at Tivoli 1791
Cloud Study (Early Evening) 1900
Cloud Study (Distant Storm) 1796
Sunset in the Roman Campagna 1795
In der Neptunsgrotte bei Tivoli
Eruption du Vésuve en 1812 1812
Study of Clouds with a Sunset near Rome
A View from Ischia over the Canale di Procida 1798
Im Park von Ariccia
Paysage, vue des Cascatelles de Tivoli 1795
Arbres devant une vallée
The Waterfall in Neptune’s Grotto at Tivoli 1790
View near Naples
View on the Quirinal Hill, Rome 1800
Mountainous Landscape at Vicovaro 1791
Interior of the Neptunus Grotto in Tivoli
Panorama de Naples 1808