Holy Family with Saint Anne, the Baptist and Zacharia 1723
Allegory of Fame
Sibyl 1726
Allegory of Summer 1720
Allegory of Spring 1720
Allegory of Winter 1720
Allegory of Autumn 1720
Boreas Abducting Oreithyia
Sketch for Sepulchrers
Eliëzer en Rebekka 1690
Alexander the Great in the Temple of Jerusalem 1736
The Education of Achilles 1727
Apollo tötet die Kinder der Niobe 1722
Cleopatra übergibt Augustus Krone uund Szepter 1722
Vermählung des Hippomenes (Kopie nach) 1722
The Madonna Appearing to St. Philip Neri 1740
The Virgin recommending a group of Saints to the Holy Tri... 1741
Godmother 1650
Fortitudo und Prudentia 1722